Live. Love. Become


Welcome to my blog! I’m on a Journey and my goal is to create more balance, and wellness in my life.  This blog is part of that action!

In 2013,  I entered motherhood, and I hit the road running.  Life as I knew it completely changed, and slowly, I changed too.  Everything that I thought I knew about myself, was challenged.  Fourteen months later, I had a second child!. Life was real.  I was ecstatic, and at the same time, stressed out, and completely off center!  To say that life is busy, is an understatement!  we mom’s are jugglers, multitaskers, and always on the go.  And because in our world the days bleed into each other, and time takes on a different form, It’s easy to forget about ourselves, and our self-care.  

This blog is my self-care.  It’s my meditation, and my form of emotional exercise.  Welcome to my journey!

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